We provide tailored market entry and business development services for the German solar market.
Introduction of your vision and technology, research and strategic planning for the German market.
German solar industry specifics: key players, associations, press and more.
Market entry and development budget
management according to desired
outcomes and KPI's.
Development of early adopters and documentation as a key pillar of further market development.
Be present at all major fairs and events. We provide telesales, sales partners, events and pipeline management.
Ensure legal compliance and provide contract management from draft to signature.
Complete customer sales management, setting strategic priorities, drive and own the process.
We focus on defining clear strategies from the very outset and use best practices in lead generation and case studies.
We adapt your sales approach so that it works for the German market.
Our main priority is finding key partnerships and networks that allow for sustainable scaling of your business model.
Join an introductory meeting where we discuss key aims and set a follow-up plan.
After assessing feasibility we will suggest appropriate courses of action.
We work hand-in-hand to achieve the desired outcomes and have regular feedback meetings to make sure the project stays on course.
We have an affinity for what makes solar projects for homeowners feasible and how to scale appropriate solutions.
More and more businesses are seeking to make big changes in their energy policies, solar power is a welcome alternative for future orientated companies.
Whether it is at the local or state level an
increasing number of solar projects are seeing
major approvals for government projects.